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To share eco tips &
To discuss changes we can make.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Green Book by Elizabeth Rogers & Thomas M. Kostigen

The official title, The Green Book: The Everyday Guide to Saving the Planet One Simple Step at a Time by Elizabeth Rogers & Thomas M. Kostigen. This book reads a little like a reference book. It defines terms, educates you about shocking statistics and includes tons of resources to further your pursuit of knowledge. Amongst this, it features snippets of stars experiences and little tips on going green. These stars include, Ellen DeGeneres, Will Ferrell, Justin Timberlake, Jennifer Aniston, Martha Stewart, Tyra Banks and more.

What I think the book lacked was an extension of the tips provided. They would give little tips here and there but only touching on subjects before jumping to the next. I think the book could have stood to be lengthier, covering the issues more in-depth. So that, not only do I know what the terms mean with the scary stats attached to them, but now I know what to do about it.

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