My Goals

To share eco tips &
To discuss changes we can make.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Navy Showers For One

According to Ed Begley Jr., he does what's called a "navy shower" where he actually turns the water off while he soaps up and then back on to rinse. After hearing this, I thought, I can do that. Then I realized it's winter in Missouri and it's freakin' cold enough with the water running. I don't think I can attempt this one until spring, but props to anyone who can.

Ed, I call him Ed, like we're friends or something. Anyway, Ed has all kinds of great little tips in his book, Living Like Ed. At first I thought this book might be above my commitment level because he's hard core, but it isn't. There's something anyone and everyone can do, many things that is. There will be plenty more posts to come from this book. I only have a minute though so this will have to do for now.

I should mention, this would make a great gift for your green loving friends.

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