My Goals

To share eco tips &
To discuss changes we can make.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Going Green at the Dry Cleaners

I don't do dry cleaning but for those who do, consider the following:

Clothesnik offers cloth alternatives to the plastic garment covers. These 100% cotton bags can be used to tote dirty laundry to the cleaners and then used as garment cover to carry clothing home.
Also, I heard that you should bring back in your wire hangers so they can be re-used. I know I don't use wire hangers at home so even if you don't use the dry cleaners, this might be a good place to get rid of your wire hangers. There are eco friendly hangers made from recycled materials out now as well.

I know there are also eco cleaners who don't use the chemicals. The EPA has a list of eco dry cleaners, but I couldn't find an updated version.

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