My Goals

To share eco tips &
To discuss changes we can make.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Remove Wallpaper Steam Free

After moving into an older home, in which every room was wallpapered, I consider myself somewhat of an expert on removing it. I just started my last room in the house and thought I should share a very small, but useful tip. You don't need a steamer to remove wallpaper. I know because I bought one in the beginning and used it until I realized a spray bottle, filled with water, does the exact same thing. The water doesn't even have to be hot. Just peel the initial layer of paper off by hand, some is easier than others. Then, use the bottle to remove the back layer of paper that sticks to the wall.

Not using the steamer saves me time because I don't have to wait for it to warm up, but more importantly, it saves energy. And, if you don't want to waste water, this is a great time to use rain water instead of tap water. Then, after you're done, save the bottle for other projects or please, recycle it.

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